

Using Reddit for Blog Comments

Reddit provides a wonderful system for voting stories up and down, discussing the stories along with new ites from each subreddit a user has subscribed to appearing in their news feed. The subreddit system is ideal for building a community about a very specific topic. Because of this, I've decided to provide comments, discussion and discovery of articles for my blog via Reddit's subreddit model. And here is how I did it.

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Rocketship Overview

RocketShip was created as a way to extract more useful documentation from the actual code that has been written.  It will currently generate a directed graph that is very similar to UML activity diagrams from the code itself.   It is implemented as an analysis pass for LLVM's optimizer.   This allows it to be used to automatically generate the corresponding graphs every time the code is compiled (providing you load the RocketShip module and pass the -rocketship flag to the optimizer).

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